Car accidents are unfortunate and frightening experiences for everyone involved, whether or not anyone is injured or not. Car accidents cause extreme injuries, damage to vehicles and property, and even death. It is so important to be careful when driving and to always remain alert when driving down a street. But if it does happen that you or a family member gets into an accident, there are several steps that are important to take. Continue reading for several tips that will help you stay safe on the road and how to take care after an accident.
What To Do If You Are In A Car Accident

The first thing that you should do once an accident has occured is get to safe place. Accidents often occur in section of the road that will continue to be dangerous for those involved. Get away from the vehicles and out of the way of the road and immediately call the police. If there is no where to go, get to a visible area so that other cars can see you. Once out of the way, check yourself for visible injuries and then the injuries of passengers and the other driver.
Exchance Contact Information
Exchanging contact information is very important after an accident.You can wait for the police to arrive to exchange information or you can do it while you wait. Make sure to get the name and phone number of the other driver and their passengers, the license plates of all vehicles involved, the insurance information of the other driver, and the make and model of the other vehicle. Record the location of the incident and make sure to get the name and phone number of the police officer who comes to the scene. Also speak with any witnesses that remain in the area.
Wait For The Police
After you have gotten out of the way of the accident, it is time to wait for the police and gather information. If no one was hurt in the accident, the police may not report to the scene of the accident. But they will record the accident over the phone. In this case, you should report the accident to the DMV. If there was an injury, wait for the police to arrive and make sure to ask for a report of the collision.
Never Accept Liability
One thing that is important following an accident is to not admit fault. When speaking to the police officer, provide all the information that is necessary for the investigation and report. Be honest, but do not say whether you think that you were the wrong or not. Admitting fault could cause you much more harm than good, because it may be later discovered that you were not at fault.
Visit The Doctor
If you were injured in a car accident, obviously it is important to go to the docter. But even if you do not think you were hurt, it is important to go to the doctor to make sure that you did not sustain any injuries that were not visible to the eye. It may also be helpful to have a medical record from your accident for insurance purposes.
Speak With A Personal Injury Attorney
Speaking with a personal injury attorney is an important step after getting in an accident. There is the potential that you will want to receive warranted compensation for your losses. If you reach out to us at Kaufman, Nichols, & Kaufman, we would be more than happy to help you access adequate medical care, prepare a solid case, work out things with insurance companies, repair your vehicle, and receive the proper compensation. For more information feel free to reach out to us today.